Update March 2022

Update March 2022

Thank you for opening our monthly update full of news from the SpiritRadar app and the rum and whisky market.

What’s new in the app

After adding charts to the “My Collection” section, we continued to work on collections. You can now enter decimals as both purchase and shipping prices when adding a new purchase. Overall collection statistics will be rounded for more legibility. 

Speaking of collection statistics, we have fixed a minor issue with the “Added in the last 30 days” statistic. It showed all bottles added to your collection, not just in the last 30 days.

Additionally, you can now remove queries from your search history in the application. This means you can remove any mistyped search queries or organize your search history.

New bottles and e-commerce sites

We added 3875 new whisky and 91 new rum bottles, 71 out of them were added at your request. 

This makes an incredible number of 11 125 rum bottles and 44 821 whisky bottles in total, which you can easily find and track in our app. Did not find the one you were looking for? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

We have added 32 new e-commerce sites. We are currently tracking over 1357 sites in total. Did not find your favorite e-store or auction portal? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Don't miss out on these exciting events in March 2022!

Whisky Festival Birmingham

Austin Court, Birmingham

5th March 2022

Fife Whisky Festival

Cupar and St Andrews, UK

4th-6th March 2022

The Gin and Rum Festival

Manchester Cathedral

11th-12th March 2022

Miami Rum Congress

Hilton Cabana Miami Beach

11th-12th March 2022

The Craft Rum Show Liverpool: The Ultimate Rum Festival.

Exhibition Centre

25th-26th March 2022

Taste of Rum, Puerto Rico's Rum Festival

San Juan, Puerto Rico

March 26, 2022 

Don't forget about International Whisk(e)y Day, which is celebrated worldwide on March 27, 2022!

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